Saturday, October 10, 2015

SOAPSTone #likeagirl

Steatite rock (another name for steatite is soapstone)
The SOAPSTone aspects(subject, occasion, audience, purpose, subject, and tone) of Always's #likeagirl commercial is what I have been tasked to write about. The speaker aspect of the ad is the Always brand, which make feminine hygiene products. The occasion of the ad is that at some point to say that someone did something "like a girl" has become a common insult in society. The purpose of this ad is to empower young females, and to reinforce the idea that you should not be ashamed of your gender. Always may have also did it for the good publicity, in order to have potential buyers think positively of their brand. The target demographic (audience) is young females, since the ad is about empowering women. It may have also targeted Superbowl fans/watchers, since it aired during the Superbowl, or it could have been aired then for the purpose of getting more viewers/awareness. The subject, as hinted at in the occasion, is that "like a girl" has become an insult, which is not something people should be okay with. The commercial's tone is informative, it brings to people's attention that this problem has arisen in our society. It is also empowering and persuasive (the uncut version at least,) since it is persuading young girls that they are not somehow lesser, just because they are a different gender.

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