Saturday, October 10, 2015

observations and inferences table + paragraph on HONY

Observations and Inferences on David Stanton’s Humans of New York
Bet several grand of student loans and ended up with a trading job
He is a risk taker
Jumps from obsession to obsession and decided to move to New York from Chicago in order to take pictures.
 HONY is on tumblr and facebook primarily (he’s releasing a book, but by the time this blog will be posted it has not come out yet.)
Possibly his preferred method of distribution is on social media sites
Maybe it is easier for his viewers to be involved (commons, etc…)
Portrait style photos
Shows that main focus is on the individual being photographed.
He has an easier time
Some of the photos aren’t focused on the person.
They feel the safety of themselves and their loved ones might be endangered perhaps
For some it is clear that the reason is that the story attached is not about the person being photographed, but about a dead person that they knew.
Some people are posing for the shots
It is not a slice-of-life type of collection, but rather about the people as they portray themselves.
Varying tones, some pictures are light hearted and others are of a crying woman who recalls the death by drowning of her husband or a caption where the person pictured has been giving serious contemplation to committing suicide, but can’t work up the courage.
He is trying to get the stories of these people out there, in order to raise awareness and teach people about different perspectives/ ways of life/etc…
Pictures that are clearly taken in different countries
He has grown famous for this, and people out there want him to tell the stories of the people in these countries.

A thing I like about the HONY photo collection/ website is that they tell the stories of so many different people in such a manner that it can easily evoke my emotions. I say this because a picture with a good caption of what the person said is more effective than either of the two alone. If I were to write about this for the second assignment, I might talk about how Brandon is using these stories +pictures to raise awareness,  get people motivated to do something, and broaden the perspective of others. It would primarily focus on the refugee stories (if I can find the right time bracket for the photos.) I might also provide some background information about Brandon, since that has to do with his credibility.

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