Saturday, September 5, 2015

Evaluations of Scholary Sources

Today, while using google scholar to look for highly cited scholarly articles on human enhancement,  I stumbled upon these two interesting articles. The first article is by Nick Bostrom, a philosopher at the University of Oxford, and Rebecca Roache, a lecturer in philosophy at Royal Holloway, University of London, titled "Ethical Issues in Human Enhancement" from the book New Waves in Applied Ethics. The work appears to target those who are looking into the ethical controversies surrounding human enhancement. The piece itself stands that while enhancements are good, serious consideration needs to be given to possible ramifications of the decision to be enhanced. It cites various works, some for enhancing, against it, and general information the article makes mention of. The second article from the book Human Enhancment called The "Wisdom of Nature: am Evolutionary Heuristic for Human enhancement" by Nick Bostrom and Anders Sandberg, a James Martin Research Fellow at Oxford University. Written a year before the
first article in 2007, it goes on to explain why evolution should be the point on which we base enhancement off of. Its stance is that if we can't figure out why humanity evolved a certain way, then maybe we shouldn't modify that aspect. Citing various sources from both sides of the argument.The intended audience most likely being those who want to look for ethical debates and or concerns regarding human enhancement.

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