Saturday, September 5, 2015

Evaluation of Social Media Sources

For this assignment I browsed twitter to see if I could find anything useful on the subject of human enhancement. One of the things I found was asu_transhuman, a twitter account belong to an Arizona State University group. Their twitter page has been around for about seven years, and includes some interesting articles on human enhancement. These articles may not be back to back but they do provide some helpful information. I don't know who follows them, since I do not have a twitter account, but if it is related to a university, than it is probably credible. The other one is Science @_bioengineer, and while I may be only able to trace back the tweets to December 5, 2014, it contains a vast amount of bioengineering information that could play key roles to human enhancements. Again, my lack of a twitter account prevents me from seeing who follows them, and it doesn't appear that they are a part of a credible network. However, the external articles that it links to do appear to be relatively credible and backed by others. An interesting side note is that if it has been existing for less than a year (which I doubt), it has been insanely busy having posted 1783 tweets by this blog's publishing.

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