Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Graded Blog Post 35: Rhetorical Analysis of a Political Cartoon

The context of the political cartoon is that many countries including the United States are limiting the access of refugees going into the country due to terrorist attacks that happened in European countries that were supposedly caused by terrorists disguised as refugees. The audience of the cartoon appears to be Americans, perhaps those that are turning a blind eye to cold shoulder to the refugees in Europe and elsewhere. I believe that this is the audience, since other nations except for the Native Americans would not be as greatly affected by the image shown than Americans.
 The message is that the founders of the colonies were refugees themselves, and there wouldn't be a United States if the Native Americans didn't accept the refugees. This leads to the purpose of that we should be paying more attention to and not turning away refugees from the Middle East. The information you need in order to better understand the cartoon is the American version of thanksgiving. Also, knowledge that the pilgrims were persecuted because of their religion, and they sought religious freedom by heading to North America. This makes the pilgrims themselves refugees.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Thesis Statement for Project 3's Rhetorical Analysis

It is my belief that by creating a blog is one of the best methods I can use for reaching the people out there that are unaware of the GMO debate and those that are not entrenched in their anti-GMO belief.  I believe that through appearing more approachable I will be better able to persuade people that GMOs are not so bad. I also plan on making my arguments focused around logic, as well as provide links to people that have similar believes to me, but have greater credibility.

That was my first draft thesis. It is still a work in progress so I will probably change it later on. Feel free to comment on it and to give constructive criticism.
Source: https://www.flickr.com/photos/bopuc/8725706531

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Background Research for Project 3

here is the link to the document about some research on Pro-GMO arguments.


picture of golden rice, a rice crop that was genetically engineered to have an increased concentration of vitamin A.

I commented on Gee's document (comments may be deleted) and Lekha's blog post